Fund Aids Rural Townships

A number of residents in Owen and Carr Townships had been struggling for some time with how they might build a better community. Traditionally, they have been strong supporters of their small crossroads communities and the town of Medora. These folks have rallied around community projects such as the creation of a scholarship for Medora High School students and the rebuilding of the Carr Township Conservation Club after the building was destroyed in the record 2004 snowfall.

Recognizing the strength they had as a community, the residents created a permanent charitable fund to gather money for future projects and to help many small local groups. Working with the Community Foundation of Jackson County, they have established the Owen-Carr Township Community Endowment. The Owen-Carr Township Community Endowment can accept gifts of cash, stock, real estate and other real property. All gifts will be used to benefit the Owen and Carr Township communities.

In addition, Rumpke Consolidated Services, which operates the Medora Landfill, has committed to making a donation to the fund for each ton of material accepted at the Medora Landfill. The local Rumpke manager says his company simply sees this as another way to “be a good neighbor and give back to the community.” The fund is administered by the Community Foundation of Jackson County, and a local committee of Owen and Carr Township residents reviews all requests for funds.

Proposal Forms:

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Gifts & Bequests to the Owen-Carr Township Community Endowment May Be Forwarded To:

The Owen-Carr Township Community Fund
Community Foundation of Jackson County,
P.O. Box 1231,
Seymour, IN 47274

For more information on our grants, and further ways you can give, please call The Community Foundation of Jackson County a call at 812-523-4483 or contact us by e-mail at [email protected].

4-H program receives grant

Beth Bowlen of the Owen-Carr Township Community Fund Committee presents a grant check recently to members of the new 4-H Club established at Medora Community Schools. The committee awarded a grant to the school, which will use the money for membership fees and other costs associated with the 4-H club.

© 2019, Community Foundation of Jackson County. All Rights Reserved.

Community Foundation of Jackson County
107 Community Drive P.O. Box 1231 Seymour, IN47274 
Tel: 812-523-4483   E-Mail: [email protected]