A Variety of Grant Choices 
to Suit Your Intent

In order to fulfill our mission of promoting philanthropy in Jackson County, within the limits of our means and resources, The Community Foundation of Jackson County has devised an effective grant program to emphasize change and community focus. Our grants target areas of society that have the most impact on individuals and on the greater good. These can include: education, economic development, human services, the arts, and culture.

In order for us to successfully run our program, each grant must adhere to a certain set of rules and guidelines as well. These include such provisos as:

  1. Anticipating the changing needs of the community and be flexible in responding to them
  2. Being change-oriented and problem solving in nature
  3. Having the greatest impact per dollar amount allotted
  4. Encouraging participation of other contributions by using matching, challenge, and other grant techniques
  5. Encouraging collaborations with other community organizations
  6. Seeking funding from outside sources (i.e. the government) for fulfillment
  7. Providing incentives
  8. And more…

Along with the various guidelines and policies that govern the grant program at The Community Foundation of Jackson County, we offer a wide range of grant types as well for your convenience and selection! These include:

Fall GrantsThe Community Foundation of Jackson offers a grant program focusing on the areas of education, economic development, human services, and arts and culture. 

In order to most effectively fulfill its philanthropic responsibilities in Jackson County within the limits of its resources, the Community Foundation of Jackson County’s grant program will emphasize change-oriented and focused types of grants. The grant program is operated in accordance with specific guidelines and policies.


Classroom Education Grants: Teachers have bold and creative ideas that can positively impact the students they teach. However, sometimes they are limited to what they can do by their overall budget. Our Classroom Education Grant seeks to augment their resources and help the students in our community benefit.

Owen-Carr Township Community Fund Grants: The Community Foundation of Jackson County has focused special attentions on the communities of Owen and Carr Townships with our philanthropic efforts. As the need is greatest there to rebuild, and improve, we have established a special grant program to ensure they get the investments they deserve.

For more information on our grants, and further ways you can give, please call The Community Foundation of Jackson County a call at 812-523-4483 or contact us by e-mail at [email protected].

© 2019, Community Foundation of Jackson County. All Rights Reserved.

Community Foundation of Jackson County
107 Community Drive P.O. Box 1231 Seymour, IN47274 
Tel: 812-523-4483   E-Mail: [email protected]